WhirlBath LemonKleen Disinfectant Cleaner, 128 oz (1 gallon)
WhirlBath Lemon Kleen 1 gallon Disinfectant-Fungicide-Virucide EPA Reg.#1839-95-69239 WhirlBath Lemon Kleen has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to 2019 Novel Coronavirus(HumanCoronavirus(Strain229E))on hard,non-porous surfaces.Therefore, WhirlBath Lemon Kleen can be used on hard,non-porous surfaces.
Note: Dwell time for disinfecting equals ten minutes.
WhirlBath LemonKleen is a concentrated one-step disinfectant and cleanser. When used as directed, it helps disinfect and control cross-contamination on hard non-porous surfaces, including:
- Floors
- Walls
- Whirlpool interiors
- Metal/stainless steel
- Glazed porcelain
- Glazed ceramic tile
- Plastic
- Vanity tops
- Shower stalls
- Bathtubs
- Cabinets