Dycem Netting on a Roll
Offering the same skid-free benefits of the Original, Dycem Netting on a Roll adds additional padding and breathability to reduce clamminess and improve air circulation. The soft mesh material is excellent for seating on chairs and wheelchairs to prevent people or cushions from sliding off.
Dycem Netting on a Roll Features:
- Easily cut to size
- Non-skid surface
- Extra padding and air circulation
- Great for wheelchairs and furniture
- Ivory color
- 24″ x 6.5′ Roll
Easily cut Dycem Netting on a Roll to fit it to any common chair or wheelchair surface to provide a comfortable, non-skid surface that maintains excellent air circulation to combat moisture buildup. This fantastic material is excellent for any number of home or healthcare applications.
Brand: Fabrication Enterprises Incorporated
Item#: 50-1550
Order online today to get Dycem Netting on a Roll at an unparalleled low price, or call to speak with a friendly service associate by phone at 1-888-687-4334.